Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

mess up

udah lama banget ga nulis.
hampir 4 bln sibuk sama semua hal baru.

bisa dibilang semua rencana yg dipikirkan dan disusun dari awal tahun ini berantakan.
semua prinsip, semua strategi, semua taktik jadi hilang arahnya.

job desk baru, teman baru, rutinitas baru membuat semua rencana harus diatur ulang.

cumang butuh waktu dan niat aja sebenernya!

one thing for sure, hampir ga ada yg disesalin.
apalagi kamu. :)

insomnia again!

00.52 am

padahal udah cape banget.

kepikiran terus.
padahal udah ngantuk banget.


not in the mood banget..
*tanggal berapa ya ini? aneh.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Soundtrack Of The Day

"The More You Ignore Me, The Closer You Get"

By: Morrisey

The more you ignore me
the closer I get
you're wasting your time
the more you ignore me
the closer I get
you're wasting your time
I will be
in the bar
with my head
on the bar
I am now
a central part
of your mind's landscape
whether you care
or do not
yeah, I've made up your mind
the more you ignore me
the closer I get
you're wasting your time
the more you ignore me
the closer I get
you're wasting your time
I bear more grudges
than lonely high court judges
when you sleep
I will creep
into your thoughts
like a bad debt
that you can't pay
take the easy way
and give in
yeah, and let me in

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Another things about me

Gue nemu ini di beberapa website dan its SO ME!!

  1. simple and natural personality is easily understood by others.
  2. will take on any favor asked, and have a strong volunteer spirits.
  3. Even if get angry, i don't hold that against people for long time.
  4. simple forthright person.
  5. a person with sensitivity.
  6. a very active person.
  7. smart and calculating.
  8. can be rather short tempered, and will not tell my true feelings.
  9. may be suited to stay as number two than to stand at the top.
  10. independent and keeps my own pace.
  11. my marriage fortune is very good.
  12. will do great as a housewife and also as the person committed to do good for the society.
  13. deeply emotional and sensitive people.
  14. extremely focused on the task at hand.
  15. strong-willed and motivated and don't like contradiction.
  16. get stubborn over things that i believe to be right or true.
  17. i'll be completely honest about how i feel and expect the same of you.
  18. The curiosity is immeasurable.
  19. complex and secretive.
  20. can keep a secret and dig them out as well.
  21. highly emotional, but often doesn't show it on the outside.
  22. charismatic, mysterious and magnetic.
  23. do know what i want, and won't go out and grab it at the wrong moment.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

new experience, new things, new satisfaction

Udah hampir 3 minggu job training.

Ada beberapa hal yang mau gue sharing di beberapa hari ini:

1. gue baru tau klo ada jus Terong Belanda. emang namanya is-so-iyeuhh tapi rasanyaa itu WOW-enak-banget-sampe-terngidam-ngidam..buat gue sih..hehe.. tp klo ada yg blm tau, blm liat,blm denger, coba liat disini: terong belanda

2. kenapa masih aja ada orang bolot yg boleh angkat telfon di delivery service restorant? ceritanya gini:
gue: siang bu, dengan resto xxx??
ibu: IYA*dgn suara kenceng dikiranya gue budeg
gue: oh oke, jadi gini bu saya mau pesen catering utk acara meeting gitu, kira-kira minimum ordernya brp yah buat delivery?
gue: bukan bu.. CATERING.. mau pesen makanan..
ibu: HAH??
gue: *blablabla..... -akhirnya telfon ditutup krn dia tetep bolot-

3. gue baru tau klo kantor gue yg dilantai 31 itu tebel kacanya cuma 1,5 cm!
DAMN! padahal gue sering nempel-nempel buat uji nyali liat ke bawah.. hahahaa
4. gue bingung, kenapa joki-joki 3 in 1 itu klo mangkal, dia bikin pose yg kaya gini:
jalan sambil liat-liatin mobil satu-satu trus bikin tangan membentuk angka satu gitu trus kadang ada yg bawa anaknya, artinya apa coba?

5. jangan pernah pulang kantor naik busway lewat dari jam 4.30 - 5! soalnya nasib loe bakal jadi kaya ini atau kaya bgini

6. kuku gue sekarang warna-warni
7. gue ilfil berat sama jajanan pinggiran ato gerobak baso, soalnya gue liat mangkoknya dicuci pake plastik kresek item+ air bekas apa tau..*hoek!

8. gue pengen banget nonton Happy Go-Lucky!hikss..

9. ternyata buku Twilight itu lebih SERU!!

10. tidur di atas jam 12 dan harus bangun pagi itu will damage myself. so, got to go now..

nite.gutten nacht.slmat mlm.buona notte. *cup!

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

another happily birthday date

Happy Birthday YOEL!

two in a row makan-makan! lol.
semoga Yoel panjang umur, sehat2, cepet besar, tambah pinter, lulus nilainya bagus!

Love you YOEL!


Thanks God its FRIDAY!

thanks god its FRIDAY! which means..
  1. boleh jeans at work
  2. lunch break diluar yang artinya jalan-jalan-cari-makan-dan-balik-udah-jam-2! lol.
  3. ga terlalu banyak tugas
  4. bisa berinsomniaphoria lagi
  5. besok ga perlu bangun pagi lagi
  6. besok ga usah pake rok dan heels
last day job training in this week..


Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Selamat Ulang Tahun Papa!

29 jan 2009, 5.00 pm
hari ke 7 job training di IBM..

selamat ulang tahun papa!
happy birthday daddy!
cu ni sheng ri kuai le baba!
love you!

goal of the day:
buat banner:
- smarter power
- lunch invitation
- media invitation
- poster smart power
- artikel smart power